Titolari dei marchi e sharing economy. Ne parliamo a Milano in un Convegno.

Venerdì prossimo, 31 marzo 2017, a Milano al Palazzo delle Stelline, in Corso Magenta, l'Avv.…

matel-group.EU: decision awarded by Pierfrancesco C. Fasano

In a Alternative Dispute Resolution Proceeding online and under .eu Rules, Pierfrancesco C. Fasano was…

Fast Arbitration for small investors

The elderly and those who have lost the most will get preference in upcoming arbitration,…


Pierfrancesco C. Fasano will be panelist at Economic Conference on “Botticino, the basin of marble…


 (Contributors: Lunaskaya Advocates – Jakarta) Foreign Investment shall be any investing activity for running business…

Few Tips & Tricks a client should ask a lawyer

1. Ask the experience in this field. 2. Ask whether he/she handled matters similar to…

INDIAN PRACTICE – Board/Committee Meetings of an Indian Company through Video-conferencing

By a Circular dated May 20, 2011, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has clarified…

Arab Investment Fund exploring Italy

As INVITALIA Business Network Partner, FASANO is supporting the Italian Govt. Agency for Inward Investment assigned…

Set up an Italian Company by an emerging country entity

An incorporation of newco under the IT Law must be notarized by IT public notary;…

Change to Italian trademark proceedings

It is likely that the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (Italian PTO) will allow opposition…